
Posts Tagged ‘earth’

twilight sky cradling the earth in deepening shades of red orange violet

Humans have always had the ability to travel in dimensions other than the third.

Indeed this is the defining trait of humans.

As is the use of memory and hope to create a landscape in time.

Navigating those landscapes is the art and adventure of being human.

Appreciating being human, we can learn about respect.

In respect to contextual, verbal and mutually expressive landscapes.

Undulating horizons of spoken and unspoken ideas.

Action becomes constraint. Each choice a limiting parameter

Only silent humble respect is free.

Only the humble respectful are free.

Think about it and feel it, as if you can feel that’s true.

What would we do with that knowledge?

Awaken and Nurture respect for Earth and all the waters, plants, beings and creatures

We can awaken dormant ability to see, taste, smell, hear and feel in other dimensions.

Respect Earth
Respect Earth and all the waters, plants, and creatures

Respect the twilight sky cradling the earth, the sun and moon, all the stars and planets

cradling and caring for the humans

Respect Earth

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